Jul 31, 2024

Protecting Night Skies from Sky Glow: Part 2

Tackling Light Trespass in Our Communities

Light trespass is a significant issue in many communities, contributing to sky glow and creating uncomfortable living environments. In this part of our series, we will explore light trespass, its impacts, and how our designs avoid it.

What is Light Trespass?

Light trespass occurs when artificial light extends beyond its intended area, spilling over into neighboring properties and public spaces. This unwanted light can invade homes, disturb sleep, and create pervasive discomfort and annoyance.

Impacts of Light Trespass

While light trespass might seem like a minor inconvenience, its effects can be far-reaching:

  • Annoyance and Discomfort: Bright lights shining into bedroom windows can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to frustration among residents.
  • Stress and Hostility: Persistent light intrusion can escalate tensions between neighbors, leading to stressful and hostile community environments.
  • Reluctance to Address Issues: Many feel uncomfortable asking neighbors to change or turn off lights, resulting in frustration and unresolved conflicts.


Challenges in Managing Light Trespass
The challenge with light trespass is more complex than it may seem. A recent test demonstrated this complexity: a lighting designer placed a 7-watt incandescent kids’ nightlight on the shore of a lake. He then took a client out in a boat, and the light was visible from over a mile away. This example illustrates how even small, unshielded light sources can contribute significantly to light trespass.

Unshielded and unprotected lights are the biggest culprits in residential communities. Common offenders include:

  • Solar-Powered Path Lights: These can produce glare, especially when not adequately shielded.
  • Omnidirectional Post Lanterns and Coach Lights: These lights can be seen from long distances and often spill light into unwanted areas.
  • Security Lighting: Large, unshielded light sources at higher vantage points can create significant light trespass.
  • Commercial and Street Lighting: Residents living near commercial areas or poorly designed street lighting often experience light flooding into their properties and even their bedroom windows.

Dayloom’s Commitment to Reducing Light Trespass

At Dayloom, we take light trespass seriously and employ several strategies to mitigate its impact:

  • Customized Luminaire Selection: Each luminaire is carefully selected for its specific application, ensuring minimal spillover.
  • Light Trespass Studies: We can perform light trespass studies on designs, ensuring that lighting does not infringe on adjacent properties.
  • Recommendations for Existing Luminaires: We suggest modifications or replacements for existing luminaires that could be causing problems.
  • Advanced Lighting Controls: We offer the most advanced controls, allowing homeowners to turn their outdoor lighting off at appropriate times and activate lighting in sections for short periods, such as when letting a dog out at night.

The Art and Science of Lighting Design

Lighting design is both an art and a science. Achieving beautiful, subtle lighting requires a delicate balance while protecting neighbors from unwanted light spillover. At Dayloom, we create harmonious, visually appealing environments that enhance the beauty of outdoor spaces without contributing to light trespass.

In the final part of this series, we will discuss the broader implications of light pollution, including its effects on human health and the environment, and how innovative lighting solutions can help mitigate these issues.

Stay tuned for more insights on how we can all contribute to protecting our night skies and creating better living environments through thoughtful lighting design.